29.10.2013 – Park Acoustics – The Plastics, We set Sail, Zebra &

Yet another fantastic Park Acoustics down on an amazing and sunny day, filled with the sweet scent of honey filled Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey. An event that brings together bands from all over the country; people from North and South of Gauteng; media from all around; to all come togther at the end of everything and celebrate the begining of a new month in style.

With some cash in your wallet, or a small lunch prepaired by your mommy (but shhh hide the alcohol if thats the case), a cheerful attitude, a blanket, sunscreen, beanbag or girlfriend to put your head on when you feel slightly dizzy from the notorius “Stnading up too fast” in the late-ish afternoon. You are 100% set for a FANTASTIC day. Soon to be entertained with some of the best local artists around with some of the friendliest people and most well maintained facilities. After all, this is a heritage site!

Thanks to the fantastic bands that provided such amazing entertainment this past weekend, WE SET SAIL, all the way from CPT! Instrumental band with the most fantastic chord progressions and rhythm changes. Their music lead’s to a true deeper side of of things, leaves you contemplating and wishing you could get more! Really cn’t wait to get them back this side more often!

Gran’Mah, our Mozambique counterparts, part jazz, part funk, very vibey and will get you off your a.. adnd on your feet to swing those hips! Check the video, it explains it all!

The Plastics, another fantastic CPT band! second time I;ve seen them live and hope they plan to tour this side a bit more. These guys are exceptional musicians with a true talent to win the crowd over no matter what environment they are in. Their songs are catchy and draw in any crowd from any generation which speaks a thousand words truely!

Zebra & Giraffe, seemingly back on the music sceen lately and doing a few rounds. keep an eye out for some of the new stuff, sounds good. Seems to be heading towards the more heavy side

Thanks again to everyone involved in this. And to all my friends and photogrpaher’s / photography friends that also cover events like this. We all know this is a lot of work and I personally thank you and take my hat off to you all. You are my insperation for what I do! Christelle DuvenageErin Crous,Henk Steyn, @shaun brand , @Henlo , Vivky, Alexander Wolf,Tarryne Rautenbach, the list can go on and on and on



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